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How To Check Your JAMB 2024 Results Online Without Using SMS

How To Check Your JAMB 2024 Results Online Without Using SMS

First off note, the JAMB portal for 2024 results has not been activated, you have to be patient, wait until you get updates from the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board. Once the JAMB portal for 2024 results is opened, you can try the step-by-step explanation below.

If you're eager to check your JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) result but prefer to do so without using SMS, you're in luck! Checking your JAMB result online is very easy and straightforward process that allows you to access your results anytime, anywhere.

Here's how you can do it in a few easy steps:

1. Visit the Official JAMB Portal

- Start by visiting the official JAMB result checking portal at This is the authorized platform for accessing JAMB results online.

2. Log In to Your JAMB Profile

  - Once you're on the JAMB portal, look for the option to log in to your JAMB profile. You'll need to enter your JAMB registration number and password to access your profile.

3. Scroll down to the Result Checking Section

- After logging in, you have to move your computer mouse to the section of the portal dedicated to checking examination results. This section may be labeled as "Check UTME Result" or something similar.

4. Enter Your Examination Details

- In the result checking section, you'll be prompted to enter specific details related to your examination. This typically includes your JAMB registration number and examination year.

5. Verify Your Details and Submit

- Double-check the details you've entered to ensure accuracy, then click on the "Check Result" or similar button to submit your request.

6. View and Print Your Result

- After submitting your request, your JAMB result will be displayed on the screen. Take a moment to review your scores and performance across different subjects.

- If you wish to keep a physical copy of your result, you can use the print function on your browser to print it out for your records. Lol, you need to. Very important.

7. Save Your Result for Future Reference

- Once you've viewed and printed your JAMB result, consider saving a digital copy for future reference. You can save it as a PDF or image file on your computer or mobile device.

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board should really bring back the JAMB portal for checking results. It is more easy to check JAMB results online than the need for SMS. This method is convenience, accessible, and more preferable to SMS because you can view and print your results instantly.

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  1. So when are there bringing back the online portal for jamb results
