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How to Upload Awaiting Results on the JAMB Portal In 2024

How to Upload Awaiting Results on the JAMB Portal In 2024

If you're a prospective candidate awaiting your results for an upcoming examination like WEAC, NECO and need to upload them to the JAMB portal, you're in the right place. Uploading awaiting results is an important step for your application to be complete and ready for consideration.

First thing to do is to visit the JAMB Portal
Open your web browser and navigate to the official JAMB portal at Once there, look for the option to log in to your JAMB profile. If you don't have a profile yet, you'll need to create one before proceeding.

Next step is to enter your JAMB registration number and password to log in to your profile. This will give you access to the various features and services available on the portal. Then scroll down to the Result Upload Section. Once logged in, go down to the section of the portal where you can upload your results. This section is usually found within your profile settings or during the application process. Look for options related to "result upload" or "awaiting results".

Next is to select "Awaiting Results". In the result upload section, look for the option to upload "awaiting results". Click on this option to begin the upload process specifically for candidates who are awaiting their results.

Enter Examination Details
You'll be prompted to provide details about the examination you're awaiting results for. This may include the name of the examination (e.g., WAEC, NECO), examination number, and year of examination. Ensure that you enter the information accurately to avoid any discrepancies.

After all that, you'll need to upload any relevant documentation related to the examination you're awaiting results for. This may include an examination registration slip or any other documents provided by the examination body.

Review and submitting is the last step to uploading awaiting results. After entering all the required information and uploading the necessary documentation, take a moment to review the details to ensure accuracy. Once you're satisfied, click on the submit or save button to complete the upload process.

After submitting your awaiting results, you should receive a confirmation message indicating that your upload was successful. You may also receive an email confirmation for your records.

That's it! You've successfully uploaded your awaiting results to the JAMB portal. Now, all that's left to do is wait for the examination results to be released. Once they're available, ensure to update your profile with the actual results to complete your application process.

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