Ace Your Exams: JAMB, Mock, and WASSCE Tips | Scholarships and Literature Insights Why JAMB Portal Showing AR (Awaiting Result) As The Grade For Your Subjects?

Why JAMB Portal Showing AR (Awaiting Result) As The Grade For Your Subjects?

Why JAMB Portal Showing AR (Awaiting Result) As The Grade For Your Subjects?

Have you checked your 2024 JAMB results  but it's showing AR as the grade but the subjects are reflecting? What should you do?

Try refreshing the page and upload it again. However, if you  have done that, have refresh it severally and upload, but still showing the same thing...If your JAMB portal is showing "AR" (Awaiting Result) as the grade for your subjects, but the subjects themselves are reflecting, it indicates that your uploaded results are still pending verification or processing. Here's what you can do to address this issue:

Sometimes, it takes time for uploaded results to be processed and updated on the JAMB portal. Wait for a few days and periodically check your portal for any updates. Then, contact JAMB support if the issue persists.

If you're concerned about the status of your uploaded results, consider reaching out to JAMB support for assistance. They can provide insights into the status of your upload and offer guidance on potential steps to resolve the issue. Double-check to be sure that you provided accurate information during the upload process. Verify that the details of your examination (e.g., examination number, year) match the information provided by the examination body.

If you suspect that there was an error during the initial upload process, consider resubmitting your results following the correct procedures. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully to avoid any discrepancies. While it can be frustrating to encounter delays or issues with your uploaded results, remember to remain patient and allow sufficient time for the processing and verification process to take place. In most cases, the issue resolves itself with time.

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